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Newer Version Available
Cover of Introductory Chemistry v2.0
March 2017
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ISBN (Digital): 

Introductory Chemistry

Version 2.0
By David W. Ball

Key Features

  • Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter.
  • Key Takeaways to conclude each chapter.
  • “Test Yourself” exercises for students.
  • Customizable.


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Online Access Price:  $36.95 Color Printed Textbook with Online Access Price:  $63.95
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This textbook is suitable for the following courses: Introductory Chemistry, Preparatory Chemistry.

Introductory Chemistry is a survey of basic chemistry intended for a one-semester introductory or preparatory chemistry course. Ball begins with a general introduction to the subject before diving into some of the more technical topics. Introductory Chemistry also introduces mathematical problems, either as conversion-factor problems or as formula problems, allowing the text to focus on the logic of the approach and not the tricks or shortcuts.

New in This Version

  • Updated throughout.
  • Exercises were modified to accommodate for proper significant figures.
  • Periodic table has been updated to incorporate the completed seventh period, including IUPAC names and symbols.
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Instructor’s Manual

Instructor’s Manual

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PowerPoint Lecture Notes

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

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David W. Ball Cleveland State University

David Ball (PhD Rice University) is a retired Professor of Chemistry at Cleveland State University. His specialty is physical chemistry, which he taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels. About 50 percent of David’s teaching was in general chemistry, including chemistry for non-science majors; general, organic, and biological chemistry; and general chemistry for science and engineering majors. In addition to several texts with FlatWorld, Professor Ball is also the author of two math review books for general and physical chemistry students, a physical chemistry textbook, and three books on spectroscopy. His publication list includes over 240 items, evenly distributed between research papers and articles of educational interest.

Additions & Errata


Figure 9.2 was updated to correct some of the numbers in the table.

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