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Newer Version Available
Cover of Entrepreneurship v1.0
February 2019
Page Count: 
ISBN (Digital): 


Version 1.0
By Laura Portolese, Jaclyn Krause, and Julie R. Bonner

Key Features

  • A focus on service-oriented businesses.
  • Small-business examples that make concepts engaging and relatable.
  • Multimedia content in every chapter to engage visual learners.
  • Captivating opening cases focused on smaller businesses and start-ups.
  • “How Would You Handle It?” callout boxes that pose real-life challenges and questions to readers.
  • “Leveraging” callout boxes that explain how to leverage outside resources to make business decisions.
  • Interactive end-of-chapter activities.


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Online Access Price:  $33.95 Color Printed Textbook with Online Access Price:  $60.95
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Entrepreneurship provides accessible and practical content for students hoping to start their own businesses. It also provides students with a strong basis for innovative thinking, which can be applied to any field or career they pursue. With a focus on service-oriented businesses, this text uses real-world examples, multimedia content, and thought-provoking callouts to engage students and make concepts relatable. Together, these features make this academically-focused book easy to read and understand.

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Laura Portolese Central Washington University

Laura Portolese (Doctorate, Argosy University) is Professor of Information Technology and Administrative Management in the College of Education and Professional Studies at Central Washington University. Laura is the author or co-author of four books with FlatWorld (Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, and The Art of Leadership and Supervision). Laura also holds an MBA from City University and a Doctorate of Business Administration from Argosy University. Laura is a prolific researcher, with publications focused in the areas of curriculum development and best practices in online learning. She has a Graduate Online Teacher Certificate from Central Washington University and a certificate from Oregon State University in E-learning Instructional Design and Development. Before beginning her academic career, Laura worked for several organizations in management and operations. She is also an entrepreneur who has performed consulting work for companies such as Microsoft.

Jaclyn Krause Central Washington University

Jaclyn Krause (PhD Walden School of Management) is Associate Professor Emeritus of Information Technology and Administrative Management at Central Washington University. Jackie earned her degree in applied management and decision systems. She possesses thirty-five years of comprehensive and progressive experience in information technology work such as network administration; application design and development including web-based applications; website development; information systems analysis, design, and architecture; and information technology project management. Jackie was an IT professional who has been embedded within business units, and she has supervised both faculty and help desk staff, has led project teams of system administrators, and has led multi-discipline, cross-functional project teams as a project manager.

Julie R. Bonner Central Washington University

Julie Bonner (Doctorate, University of Phoenix) is Associate Professor of Information Technology and Administration at Central Washington University. She earned her doctorate in management. She has consulted extensively for large clients in the aerospace, consumer products, and gaming industries providing services in accounting and information systems design.

Additions & Errata

  • Added "t" to "Central Washington University" in Laura Portolese's author biography in the front matter. Was previously "Cenral Washington University." (3/19/19)
  • Changed "Association" to "Administration" in Chapter 1 Section 1. (10/10/19)
  • Changed "Association" to "Administration" in Chapter 1 Section 3. (10/10/19)
  • Removed extra instance of "in the next sectionn" in Chapter 3 Section 2. (10/10/19)
  • Changed "They Siddles" to "The Siddles" in Chapter 8 opener. (10/10/19)
  • Changed "Deanna" to "Deana" in Chapter 8 opener. (10/10/19)
  • On 10/28/20, we added the following content to this book:
    • "Consider the COVID-19 crisis and the amount of losses small businesses suffered as a result of being forced to close by local and state governments. In this case, the government is the boss, in a way!" to Section 1.4.
    • "During the COVID-19 crisis, some entrepreneurs were unprepared for a full close of their businesses. To handle unexpected crises,..." to Section 2.5.
    • "Consider the COVID-19 crisis and the fact many small business had to shut down. Because of this, variable costs were lower because business owners didn’t need to order supplies or pay employees. However, fixed costs, such as the cost of rent or a loan, were still present." to Section 5.2.
    • A new "What Would You Do" callout box to Section 6.4.
    • "Similarly, the COVID-19 crisis has left many small businesses constrained by government laws in regard to if, when, and how they will able to open. Planning for these types of constraints ahead of time can play an important role in helping you to deal with planned and unplanned changes and requirements." to Section 9.2.
    • New COVID-19 content to the "Crisis Situations and Planning Before Change Occurs" Section of Section 9.4.
    • "There may also be special circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which required all interviews to be conducted via video conferencing, as opposed to in-person." to Section 10.1
    • "Some situations may allow for orientation to occur fully online or via video conferencing, as many small business owners needed to do during the COVID-19 pandemic." to Section 10.2.
    • New COVID-19 content and a new photo to Section 12.2.
  • Replaced broken link in Chapter 1 Section 1 "Interactive Activity" and in the paragraph starting "There are additional benefits..." in Chapter 1 Section 3 (4/30/21)
  • Replaced "Use Entrepreneurship to Reinvent Yourself" video in Chapter 1 Section 3(4/30/21)
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