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Cover of Introductory Chemistry v3.0
January 2025
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Introductory Chemistry

Version 3.0
By David W. Ball

Key Features

  • The “Chemistry is Everywhere” focus draws from students’ everyday experiences, such as how food and drink are constituted, to activate prior knowledge and promote meaning
  • Mathematics is introduced only when necessary and through the consistent use of conversion factors and mathematical formulas
  • Over 50 embedded hyperlinks to streaming videos capture students’ interest, augment hybrid and fully online courses, and provide realistic and engaging examples of applied chemistry
  • Supportive learning features include
    • “Opening Essay” at the start of each chapter introduces students to the big picture significance of the chapter’s content
    • “Learning Objectives” at the beginning of each main section preview the material to come and prepare students to learn
    • “Note” features sprinkled throughout include brief, but relevant information about a key topic
    • “Example” provides worked-out models for solving problems with solutions provided immediately after
    • “Skill-Building Exercise” follows each “Example” to help students immediately practice the skill they have learned while it is still fresh in their memories
    • “Concept Review Exercise” with answers, focuses on key ideas from the preceding section
    • “Chemistry Is Everywhere” features examine a chapter topic in greater depth and demonstrates how it shows up in everyday life—such as personal hygiene products students may use every morning: toothpaste, soap, and shampoo, among others
    • New “Do the Math” features address math anxiety by supporting and developing necessary math skills; many of these features encourage calculator use
    • “Chemistry, Food, and Drink” features highlight how a topic of that chapter applies to what we ingest. As examples, carbonated beverages depend on the behavior of gases; foods contain acids and bases; and we actually eat certain rocks
    • “Key Takeaways” at the end of each main section reflects the corresponding “Learning Objectives” and summarizes key ideas in bullet-point fashion. “Key Takeaway” enables the learner to pause and consolidate the information just read into a “chunk.” This process enables the reader to better understand and retain the section’s content and its key concepts
    • “Exercises” at the end of main section prepare students to engage with additional, broad-based problems at the end of each chapter
    • End-of-Chapter Material
      • “Chapter Summary” highlights key concepts covered in the preceding chapter
      • “Additional Exercises” provide several opportunities for additional practice and concept reinforcement, often using multiple concepts or skills
  • Customizable


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Introductory Chemistry is suitable for one-term courses called Preparatory Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Basic Chemistry or similar titles that review chemistry fundamentals with the specific goal or readying students to enroll in the multi-term, university-level general chemistry courses. This course is offered at the undergraduate level at most two-year and four-year colleges and universities. It is not appropriate for liberal arts chemistry or courses primarily taken by liberal arts majors to fulfill a science requirement.

Introductory Chemistry is a survey of basic chemistry intended for a one-semester introductory or preparatory chemistry course that covers chemistry fundamentals from the perspective that “chemistry is everywhere.” The book strives to simply present chemistry and chemical principles without extraneous details. Consequently, it begins with a thorough introduction to chemistry’s fundamentals before moving on to more technical topics.  It also introduces mathematical problems only when necessary and employs a consistent mathematical strategy, using only conversion-factor or formula problems. This strategy focuses students’ attention on learning the logic of the approach, rather than trying to memorize computational tricks or shortcuts. 

New in This Version

  • “Do the Math” features in every chapter address math anxiety by supporting and developing necessary math skills; many of these features encourage calculator use
  • Added over 50 new, embedded hyperlinks to streaming videos that provide enrich examples and illustrate problem-solving strategies for exercises
  • “Skill-Building Exercises” were expanded to follow every “Example” and provide ample opportunities to practice a new question similar to the associated “Example”
  • Many illustrations and photos were updated with more recent examples
  • Timely discussions include the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic 
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David W. Ball Cleveland State University

David Ball (PhD Rice University) is a retired Professor of Chemistry at Cleveland State University. His specialty is physical chemistry, which he taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels. About 50 percent of David’s teaching was in general chemistry, including chemistry for non-science majors; general, organic, and biological chemistry; and general chemistry for science and engineering majors. In addition to several texts with FlatWorld, Professor Ball is also the author of two math review books for general and physical chemistry students, a physical chemistry textbook, and three books on spectroscopy. His publication list includes over 240 items, evenly distributed between research papers and articles of educational interest.

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