Your Textbook
Money and Banking
Custom Version 3.0.1
Robert E. Wright
Adapted by
Cesar Castope
June 2020
Purchase Options
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Mobile-friendly, searchable online textbook access for one year (until December 27, 2025).
- Included online Homework system — at no additional cost. Complete assignments and tests on any device if assigned by your instructor.
- Integrated quizzes and flashcards connected to each online textbook to help you study.
Mobile-friendly, searchable online textbook access for one year (until December 27, 2025).
- Downloadable PDF and other versions of your textbook for reading offline on multiple devices. Downloaded files are yours to keep.
Mobile-friendly, searchable online textbook access for one year (until December 27, 2025).
- Included online Homework system — at no additional cost. Complete assignments and tests on any device if assigned by your instructor.
- Integrated quizzes and flashcards connected to each online textbook to help you study.
- High-quality, color textbook printed to order and shipped to your door.
Mobile-friendly, searchable online textbook access for one year (until December 27, 2025).
- Included online Homework system — at no additional cost. Complete assignments and tests on any device if assigned by your instructor.
- Integrated quizzes and flashcards connected to each online textbook to help you study.
- High-quality, color textbook printed to order and shipped to your door.
- Downloadable PDF and other versions of your textbook for reading offline on multiple devices. Downloaded files are yours to keep.
Mobile-friendly, searchable online textbook access for one year (until December 27, 2025).
- Included online Homework system — at no additional cost. Complete assignments and tests on any device if assigned by your instructor.
- Integrated quizzes and flashcards connected to each online textbook to help you study.
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