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Cover of Sexuality and Our Diversity: Integrating Culture with the Biopsychosocial v2.1
Sexuality and Our Diversity: Integrating Culture with the Biopsychosocial v2.1
Marcus Tye
July 2020
Psychology Textbooks
ISBN (Digital): 

Sexuality and Our Diversity: Integrating Culture with the Biopsychosocial, v. 2.1 takes an integrated approach to exploring the complex dimensions of biology, culture, psychology, sociology, history, and philosophy that explain human sexual diversity. The author contextualizes specific topics, such as sexually transmitted infections, in a broader picture of comprehensive sex education and public policy, access to healthcare, and economic equality. Topics build from basic to advanced to support less well-prepared students while keeping those with prior coursework fully engaged.

Brief Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Perspectives on Sexuality in a Cultural and Historical Context

Chapter 2: Studying Sexuality: Research Methods and Challenges

Chapter 3: Sexual Bodies: Anatomy and Physiology

Chapter 4: Gender Identity and Sex Development

Chapter 5: Attraction, Arousal, Response, and Sexual Orientation

Chapter 6: Sexual Relationships, Love, and Communication

Chapter 7: Sexual Behavior Across Cultures

Chapter 8: Gender and Sexuality Across the Lifespan

Chapter 9: Variations in Sexual Behavior: Kinks, Fetishes, and Paraphilias

Chapter 10: Fertility, Contraception, and Abortion

Chapter 11: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenthood

Chapter 12: Sexual Difficulties, Dysfunctions, and Treatments

Chapter 13: Sexually Transmitted Infections and Prevention

Chapter 14: Sexual Aggression and Coercion

Chapter 15: Sex as a Commodity and the Regulation of Sexuality

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