Textbook Details

- By:
- Marcus Tye
- Published:
- October 2019
- Discipline:
- Psychology Textbooks
- ISBN (Digital):
- 978-1-4533-9824-1
Brief Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Perspectives on Sexuality in a Cultural and Historical Context
Chapter 2: Studying Sexuality: Research Methods and Challenges
Chapter 3: Sexual Bodies: Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 4: Gender Identity and Sex Development
Chapter 5: Attraction, Arousal, Response, and Sexual Orientation
Chapter 6: Sexual Relationships, Love, and Communication
Chapter 7: Sexual Behavior Across Cultures
Chapter 8: Gender and Sexuality Across the Lifespan
Chapter 9: Variations in Sexual Behavior: Kinks, Fetishes, and Paraphilias
Chapter 10: Fertility, Contraception, and Abortion
Chapter 11: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenthood
Chapter 12: Sexual Difficulties, Dysfunctions, and Treatments
Chapter 13: Sexually Transmitted Infections and Prevention
Chapter 14: Sexual Aggression and Coercion
Chapter 15: Sex as a Commodity and the Regulation of Sexuality