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Cover of Global Business Management v2.0
February 2024
Page Count: 
ISBN (Digital): 

Global Business Management

Version 2.0
By Sanjyot P. Dunung

Key Features

  • Cornerstone themes of entrepreneurship and strategy
    • Strategy is defined as competition and competitive advantage
    • Entrepreneurship is seen as creating new opportunities where none previously existed, and ncludes managing intrapreneurship
    • Understanding global management and international business expands students' entrepreneurial mindset, preparing them to start a business or think more creatively and competitively as a global manager
  • The narrative is organized around answers to key questions—what, where, why, and how of international managment
  • Promotes critical thinking by challanging students to think ethically and encouraging decision making
  • Cases and learning lessons place students in the roles of the decision makers. They become engaged in solving the myriad of transactions, business opportunities, relationships, and practical problems resulting from a globalized and highly interconnected business environment
  • Current discussions of country, region, and culture are woven throughout and how these factors both interact and impact business operations and managing across boundaries
  • Author's blended academic and practitioner perspective integrates recognized research with real-world, practical examples and actionable insights to bridge the gap between theory and application
  • Presents key finance concepts in ways that are readily understood by non-financial managers
  • Supportive learning structure
    • Over 50 embedded hyperlinks to Atma Insights award-winning streaming videos that illustrate key learning lessons in each chapter, with a focus on practical applications. These relevant, engaging videos were developed by the author's own company and illustrate topics such as interpersonal interactions across cultures. Adopting faculty receive a six-month complimentary trial period with discounted student subscriptions directly available from Atma INsights
    • High-interest features
      • "Did You Know?" Facts about international business and management, complemented by curated Atma Insights videos
      • "Amusing Anecdote" High-interest examples of global management situations, marketing snafus, and other mistakes coupled with related key international business facts
      • "Managing Across Cultures" Focus on managment practices around the world, complemented by curated Atma Insights videos.
      • "Ethics in Action" Examples of the typical ethical issues that arise in international business management, complemented by curated Atma Insights videos
      • "Tips in your Managerial Toolkit" Specific and practical tools related to internatinal business management located at the end of every chapter
    • Opening Cases and Callouts Scenarios are drawn from an international business management perspective but are still current and topical. Examples include: global women and minority managers; how to navigate cultural nuances and competitive environments; understanding evolving technologies and cybersecurity; understanding blockchain technology and its growing impact on global business
    • "Learning Objectives" preview each main head section and help focus the reader's attention
    • "Key Takeaways" and "Exercises" at the end of each main head section help students consolidate the material just learned
    • Chapter Summary helps students remember the most important information from the preceding chapter
    • End-of-Chapter questions based on Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) learning standards include review questions, experiential exercises, ethical dilemmas, and exercises related to the opening chapter case. Answer guidelines are provided in the Instructor's Manual.


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Global Business Management is suitable for courses called Global Management, International Management, Multinational Management, Managing Across Cultures, Intercultural Management, Global Human Resource Management, Global Business Strategy, Global Strategic Management, or similar titles taught at the undergraduate and MBA levels at both two-and four-year colleges and universities. 

This book covers all aspects of leading and managing a thriving global organization in an increasingly complex geopolitical environment. Its fresh, practitioner/academic perspective directly addresses the seismic changes taking place on global, national, and local levels that challenge long-held and fundamental assumptions about global trade, globalization, economics, and management. 

Not only does this book encompass all of the core fundamentals of business, international trade, and management, but is unique in its exploration of more than just the essentials. The author’s orientation is both strategic and entrepreneurial, and it speaks with authenticity to technologically savvy students who see national borders as bridges and not barriers. Moreover, Global Business Management develops students’ knowledge of international contexts preparing them to launch, run, and work in any organization that is global in scope or competes globally. 

The idea that management itself remains an evolving field underpins the book, reflecting the continuous disruptions of new ideas and technologies, as well as global political, economic, and social developments. To understand the new disruptions, the author strives to help students master the fundamentals and modern history of international management and global business. 

Version 2.0 reflects incremental and substantive changes in the global business environment, particularly in rapidly changing economies in emerging markets, based on issues such as geopolitical stresses, supply chains shifts, and technology advances.

New in This Version

  • Refreshed or replaced many management and business profiles with new examples that reflect the shifting global and geopolitical environment and the creation of new opportunities and challenges
    • New section “Business Leadership in Action” (Section 2.2)
    • New section “Manager’s Global Framework (Section 3.1)
    • Chapter  6—New sidebars on “Managing Across Cultures” with integrated videos
    • Chapter  9—updated for Russia sanctions and Brexit
  • Enriched and updated details of fast-evolving global business, economic, political and cultural environments and their ongoing impacts on managers, businesses, and economies;
  • Emphasizes the need to analyze and manage global businesses in terms of geopolitical stresses, supply chains shifts,  and technology advances, particularly in developing markets.
  • New company profiles and business examples from around the world, with focus on Latin America, Asia, Africa, and MENA (Middle East and North Africa)
  • Atma Insights streaming videos embedded throughout enhance student understanding, retention, and applications to real-world situations
  • “Manager’s Global Framework” highlights facts and cases to model how to think about the world, geopolitics and business through a manager’s lens  
  • “Leadership in Action” describes cases and supporting information to help future global managers develop leadership skills
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Instructor’s Manual

Instructor’s Manual

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Instructor’s Manual

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

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Sanjyot P. Dunung CEO and Founder, Atma Global; Professor of Practice, Thunderbird School of Global Management

Sanjyot P. Dunung (MBA Thunderbird School of Global Management) is a serial entrepreneur and global business executive with expertise in managing businesses through economic cycles and transformational change. A business evangelist and catalyst of growth, she has multidisciplinary skills in strategic planning, business development, raising venture and private capital, proprietary product development, channel partner strategy, and leading global teams. Sanjyot has a track record of helping businesses optimize costs and efficiencies by developing and implementing innovative digital learning and content solutions, including SaaS B2C and B2B, across multiple vertical markets.

Sanjyot has extensive global expertise with intuitive and seasoned in-depth knowledge of the intersection of business, global affairs, culture, technology, and education. She is a recognized thought leader integrating strategic global business and cultural leadership. Additionally, blending the practitioner-academic mindset, she provides consultative mentoring and problem-solving to boards and senior management.

Sanjyot is currently CEO and founder of Atma Global, an award-winning developer of innovative learning content and solutions, focusing on countries, cultures, business and global topics for the corporate, education, government, and travel markets. The firm recently launched Atma Insights, an award-winning digital streaming subscription service, featuring proprietary engaging and essential culture, country, business and global topics learning videos. 

She leads Atma Cultural Advisory Services, which provides thought leadership to global institutions, including the Fortune 500 and the government, on the impact, effectiveness, and cultural suitability of marketing, advertising, communications, and business processes and programs in target groups and across borders. The firm develops cost-effective learning solutions, enhancing the effectiveness of institutional initiatives and improving overall profitability.  

Sanjyot writes articles, appears on global media, and is often a guest speaker at conferences and seminars addressing international business, global cultures, and entrepreneurship. She has written sixteen business books including International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World (FlatWorld) and Global Business Management (FlatWorld). Sanjyot began her career as a banker in New York with American and Japanese banks.       

Sanjyot currently serves on the Board of Advisors, Truman Center for National Policy, Advisory Board of the Thunderbird School of Global Management and the Board of Trustees, National Small Business Association. Previously, she served as a member of the Board of Directors of UNICEF USA. She mentors entrepreneurs around the world. Her first activist young adult novel, Maddie & Sayara, explores the diverging paths of young girls around the world.

Sanjyot has received several awards, including the 2021 Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Award and the 2021 AmChamRepresent Business Transformation Award: Women in Business. Her academic history includes a BA from Northwestern University and an MBA with an emphasis in International Finance from Thunderbird School of Global Management. She is a recipient of the school’s Distinguished Alumni Award and is a Professor of Practice. Sanjyot was born in India and raised in Liverpool, England, and Chicago, USA. She now lives in New York with her three sons.

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